Cyclists Beware

22 Jul 2020
I had to watch it twice and then let it run to the slow motion part as I could not see where he went to after the impact.


Shocking moment great-grandad killed in hit and run crash in Birmingham (
Car looked to be going pretty fast so he may have not judged it right as it was far away so had time to turn, cannot see if the bike has lights (do not think so).
The issue is the guy in car did a runner.

"The BMW then stops further down the street and the four occupants run away from the scene leaving Mr Goulbourne dying in the road."
Yip, could not see in normal speed playback as it was it so fast until I knew where to look at seeing the slow mo playback now I can see him each time.

I think he ended up behind that low wall or on it, can see him just about there then nothing.
If you look at driver he may not even have a license (hence the runner), could be lack of insurance.

You would think at least 1 out of 4 would have had a shred of decency and did something even make a call.
The poor chap had a blinking (to be seen) light you can clearly see in the video.

I've got one of those, but I only use it either solo, during the day, or at night in conjunction with a more powerful (see by) light.

I did not state for sure he had not lights and I did see something at rear but thought it may be a reflector.
show me the speed readout on the video that shows he is speeding, then i'll buy your theories. On your logic I'll say he wasn't speeding and you need to watch the video again once the effects of the crack have worn off. I can do this all day

No need you already made a fool of yourself, a car doing 20-30mph does not send a 12+stone (at least) person that distance through the air.

If you want to hint at being this way all day I will simply report you for derailing a thread.
Completely different but yesterday I was doing 50 in a 50 and around a bend were two people walking on the road.. luckily was no oncoming traffic

Show me where he mentioned conditions (or being above the speed limit) and if you want to take it up further with him make a thread on it or take to PM.

Do you even drive, you do know cars can go round bends at that given speed limit on that said road (a corner would be different and no doubt be 30MPH limit).
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