cyKey has been dugg

nomore said:

Front page, 264 diggs so far... say goodbye to your bandwidth lol

Haha :D You'll notice the site's theme has changed too. Within minutes the WordPress Database connection issue page appeared so I had to quickly get a theme that didn't make so many calls. So I'm now running on minimal mode :D Bandwidth *could* be ok as its the end of the month so I'm using up whats remaining this month hopefully over the next few days and then the limit will be reset and things will calm down after :) At least, thats the plan. I'm probably screwed in reality, especially as I submitted the site to BoingBoing :D
Hits on my HDR guide are up 5564%!! Site is still standing :D

Stats for my RSS feed:

Sunday Oct 29 733 1,131
Saturday Oct 28 30 140
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cyKey said:
lol and look like a capitalist dog? Nevar! ;)
Meh... everyone has to eat! :p

I don't have any ads on my website but if I had a popular subject on my website like your HDR tutorial I wold chuck some ad sense on just that page.

Now days most people are used to seeing ads now that most won't even notice it there anyway.
Colin_da_Killer said:
Meh... everyone has to eat! :p

I don't have any ads on my website but if I had a popular subject on my website like your HDR tutorial I wold chuck some ad sense on just that page.

Now days most people are used to seeing ads now that most won't even notice it there anyway.

I get your point, but I don't want it to be about the money... yet ;) Its all gone quiet now the US is asleep.

SDK^ said:
.....or buy one 6"x4" (£20) and get a 9"x6" free :p


Edit: The affect of being on Digg and means that in one night I've doubled my monthly bandwidth. This month I had done a record 13gb. In the past 12 hours I've done 14gb! My limit, which doesn't appear to be a hard limit, is 20gb and I'm upto 27. Thank god its the end of the month :D
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A random name said:
Played pete :p

If you run into any issues with hosting or whatever give me a shout, got more than enough for you to have some.

Cheers. Only another 32 hours or so to go before the limit is reset. No word from my host yet :D
cyKey said:
Cheers. Only another 32 hours or so to go before the limit is reset. No word from my host yet :D

I'm sure they'll be in touch if they realise it's going to be a regular thing ;)
Nice one, it is a very good tutorial with some stunning shots in :)

cyKey said:
Cheers. Only another 32 hours or so to go before the limit is reset. No word from my host yet :D
Hehe :D If they're as geeky as me they'll be enjoying the graphs :D (and thinking of the overage charges :p)
Oct 2006 Stats: 34gb transferred
Sep 2006 Stats: 6gb transferred
Oct 2005 Stats: 75mb transferred

Thats some increase :eek:
cyKey said:
Oct 2006 Stats: 34gb transferred
Sep 2006 Stats: 6gb transferred
Oct 2005 Stats: 75mb transferred

Thats some increase :eek:

Have you got a hit count/unique visit count?
nomore said:
Have you got a hit count/unique visit count?

They're kinda broke at the moment but...

Oct 05: Monthly unique visits - 8,067 // Hits - 193,494
July 06: Monthly unique visits - 17,048 // Hits - 151,272 (um?)
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