D50 Questions

9 Mar 2003
Had my D50 for about a week so just getting to know it but I have a couple of questions:

1. The autofocus brackets when lit (active) have a thin line that runs to the edge of the viewfinder, is this normal or a fault :(.

2. It is often quoted that D-SLR have a focal range of about 1.5 x the lens focal length. Is this also true of the Nikon DX lenses.


D-SLR Noobie
mcdiejdh said:
Had my D50 for about a week so just getting to know it but I have a couple of questions:

1. The autofocus brackets when lit (active) have a thin line that runs to the edge of the viewfinder, is this normal or a fault :(.

I get that too, nothing to worry about.

2. It is often quoted that D-SLR have a focal range of about 1.5 x the lens focal length. Is this also true of the Nikon DX lenses.

Aprrently so. I have been reading up on the 18 - 200mm VR lens which I have just purchased and every single review says it in an equivilent to a 300mm film focal lenght. The DX means it has a smaller image circle so it is only compatible with the APSC DLSR camera. It also helps to prevent vignetting.


D-SLR Noobie
Last edited:
Originally Posted by mcdiejdh
Had my D50 for about a week so just getting to know it but I have a couple of questions:

1. The autofocus brackets when lit (active) have a thin line that runs to the edge of the viewfinder, is this normal or a fault .

I get that too, nothing to worry about.

It's just the LCD connection for the autofocus indicators. Pefectly nomal :)

2. It is often quoted that D-SLR have a focal range of about 1.5 x the lens focal length. Is this also true of the Nikon DX lenses.

Aprrently so. I have been reading up on the 18 - 200mm VR lens which I have just purchased and every single review says it in an equivilent to a 300mm film focal lenght. The DX means it has a smaller image circle so it is only compatible with the APSC DLSR camera. It also helps to prevent vignetting.

It's not an actual magnification, but a crop factor......I'm not on my own PC, and don't have the link, but a quick Google on "DSLR crop factor" will enlighten you further....


D-SLR Noobie
mcdiejdh said:
2. It is often quoted that D-SLR have a focal range of about 1.5 x the lens focal length. Is this also true of the Nikon DX lenses.


D-SLR Noobie

What that means is the field of view is equivalent to a lens that was 1.5x longer on your sensor because the image is "cropped" by the sensor only taking up a portion of the projected image circle, compared to 35mm film/sensors.

That means it is true of ANY lens you fit to that camera, as it isnt a trait of the lenses themselves.
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