D500, D600, or N80?

15 Jun 2005
South Wales
My D500 which I absolutely love is about to die I think - I've had it for 13 months and it's been great. (the volume bottomed out the other day mid-conversation, and I cant increase it)

I got offered a V3 recently when I upgraded my contract but I just gave it to my sister because I rekon it's too bulky and the software isnt as nice. (although it does look real slick). I dont like the K700i or W800.

So, what should I do?
1. I could simply replace it with another D500
2. I could get a D600, but am I right in saying it's a lot more plasticy? Is it any better than the 500?
3. I could wait for the N80 which looks awesome!

Out of those options, the N80 looks best.
I'm due an upgrade in 2 weeks and am tempted to wait for it but I don't know when it comes out on Orange. If you can wait, then it might be worth it.
Vodafone have the N80 on their coming soon page for April 2006.

Usually they are the last to release phones as they let other retailers find any faults first.

So hopefully it will be sooner from CPW, Phones4u....
I'm hoping to grab an N80 on release. I've only just got my N70 before xmas but my old mans contract is due a change soon and he won't want a new fangled handset :D
I thought you had a N70 Desmo? Whats the differene between the N70 and 80?

The N70 has better recording functions and is a lot smaller???
The N80 has a 3mp camera instead of 2mp?
Lead_Head said:
I thought you had a N70 Desmo?
I do. Got it just before xmas. But my old man will be swapping his phone onto a new contract soon so I'll hopefully get the N80 with his contract and he'll still use his old phone :) He's a bit of a technophobe you see and he's only just learnt how to drive his current one. An N80 would fry his brain :p
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I'd wait for the N80 then again I'm not too keen on the D500 or D600, always worried I'll break them when I handle them :o
Sounds like the N70 for me :) Can't wait till May for a new phone with bugs, when I could get the N70 that will have some apps and patches out already.

Have you found anything annoying with the phone Desmo As I know you've used a D500 as well as a N70 cos you posted pics for me :)
I had an n70 for a cuple of months...phone was perfect except it was appreciably slow. Sometimes it took about 6 seconds to check my message inbox...the gallery could take about 10 seconds to load etc..
Lead_Head said:
Have you found anything annoying with the phone Desmo As I know you've used a D500 as well as a N70 cos you posted pics for me :)
Couldn't tell you any comparisons as I've not used a D500 properly. It was Piggy's phone in the pictures. The D500 seems a nice phone overall and she likes it :)

I love the N70 though as I like to fiddle with apps (which I get told off for :D) and muck about with stuff. My only gripe is that on occassion it can be a little slow.
byrde147 said:
Out of those options, the N80 looks best.
I'm due an upgrade in 2 weeks and am tempted to wait for it but I don't know when it comes out on Orange. If you can wait, then it might be worth it.

Just so you know Orange wont be selling any N80's I have already checked. I dont care though as im going over to Vodafone anyway.

xsnv said:
I had an n70 for a cuple of months...phone was perfect except it was appreciably slow. Sometimes it took about 6 seconds to check my message inbox...the gallery could take about 10 seconds to load etc..

Is that on 02? They dont really add any aftermarket programs besides a load up screen and an internet link to there wap.
Scoobie Dave said:
Just so you know Orange wont be selling any N80's I have already checked. I dont care though as im going over to Vodafone anyway.

It's become a bit irrelevant fo rme now! I've bought a tom tom go 500 sat nav system with bluetooth and the only phones that seem to have the full functionality (including text messaging and contact lists) are the sony ericsson's. I'm therefore going for the w800i.
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