D600 = £180 repair *Gawps*

29 Sep 2005
So yeah my mate works in carephone warhouse and got me a D600 on day of release on a nice tariff and all was happy :) THEN somehow while ice skating, the screen glass chipped much like a car windowscreen when a stone flicks up and hits it!

This minor chip in the Glass infront of the screen has now cracked further and is at the bottom left, nothing serious, just annoying... might post piccy to show. So i ask my mate in carphone warhouse to get me a new screen and he said it would be £180 for just the glass.... with discount in that price HOLY **** lol! its litrally a small 55mm by 35mm piece of glass that fits ontop to protect the screen dammit, i could get a wholes years contract on the phone again for that! :(

anybody else had a problem similar? i have broken a flipphone with an £50 screen to replace and so has a mate but was astonished at this repiar price!
Should be 1/10th the price there, if not sell it as cosmetic damage and buy a new one, and take a hit on the price difference
That doesn't sound right.
At CPW the estimate for a screen is usually £70ish everytime I've checked, still pricey of course but not quite to that extent!
try a independant phone shop for repair dont go to big brand shops like phones4u etc and yes under £180 for a brand new d600 i was getting them for just £150 when they were brand new... i reckon £50 will fix it in another shop or u can try it urself by trying to buy the parts from a auction site or something ;)
Its too much! You can buy a complete new LCD for less. Its just plastic on the front,check on the net for replacement LCD's they are a lot less. £20 tops.
£180 for a new screen, who would pay for that?

Im with Haly, I was thinking about £50-£70 tops for a new screen, depending where you go. The phones can be had new from shops around the £180 now anyways.
get a new housing off ebay, i got one for £15 recently, get a t6 and a small phillips screwdriver and change it yourself
It might not be his mates fault, although it does sound ridiculously exspensive, even for the CPW, they do charge a shed load :(
Efaws said:
It might not be his mates fault, although it does sound ridiculously exspensive, even for the CPW, they do charge a shed load :(
If it's just the screen that needs replacing, the estimate for those phones is always about £70.
I've never heard or seen a quote that high with CPW before.
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