D600 or W800i (or other better ones)

Man of Honour
31 Dec 2005
Im after a good phone - better then my current D500, must have a memory card slot, mp3 player, vid, bluetooth.

Can someone tell me which is better out of the D600 or the W800i and why??

thanks, greatly appreciated
I have a W800i, had it for a few days, and have used a friends D500 before.

For texting any Nokia, completely and utterly PWN's the life out of the others.

But between D600 + W800i;

Screen quality - Same.
Texting - W800i
Camera - For video, Samsung is better quality, for pictures, the SE is better.
For Music, the W800i is a 'walkman' phone, so obviously it is strong in that department :)

Go with the W800i mate.
Yeh, I was looking for a good music phone actually cos my mp3 player has broke, but not many phones (if any) can match mp3 player quality with bass.
Resolution is only a small part of quality/usability of a mobile screen. Brightness, clarity and so on can be far more important.
Well this is the writeup the D600 screen gets...

The display of this device is really unmatched and the quality of the picture is marvelous.

...so I think it's fairly safe to say it's probably better than the W800i :p
to be honest, all the screens on the samsung phones i have had have always looked miles better than the ones on the se's, nokias an motos i have used
I have a k750i (so same as w800i fundamentally) and I played with a friend's D600 the other day, and I personally think that the screen is better on the Samsung. However I think the SE handles music much better, and the bluetooth capabilities are greater than the D600's.
Having not seen a D600, but owning another phone with a QVGA screen (C550) I would say that it's likely the D600 poops all over W800i. Especially for displaying pictures and video.
If the music handling of the D600 is anywhere near half decent I'd go with it just on style, and the fact that every man and his chimp has the SE these days :D
yeah d600 has a QVGA screen, after using a phone with a QVGA screen (w900i), theres no way i could go back to old 220*176, so itd be the D600 for me :)
D600 for me. I did have one before it got nicked :( (Got a new Motorola SLVR now) A mate has the W800i. I prefered the D600. To me it had better build quality about it and felt a better phone in my had. The D600 has good sound quality with the 3D sound but the W800i is better in that department but I would say the D600 is better for pics and defo videos.

D600 has my vote.
...But for texting...The D600 is awful. As like most Samsungs.

Plus, a slider mechanism that can get very loose just by general usage! (My friends had 2 D500's in 6 months!)
Ive had both the D500 and D600. Got them when they first came out. THe D600 slider machanism is a lot better than the D500. With my D500 is started to get bits inside it and started to rub and get loose. I had my D600 for a while and the slider was smooth as the day I got it. There is a difference.
DannyW said:
Yeh, I was looking for a good music phone actually cos my mp3 player has broke, but not many phones (if any) can match mp3 player quality with bass.

My bro has a d600 though he is selling it soon and Ive had a listen to all his mp3's on there and its extremely good quality, supplied headphones are decent. Its as good as my old mp3 player anyhow, cant comment on the other phone in comparison sorry.
I was hoping mobile phones would get stuff like this eventually, playing it through a tiny speaker doesnt really work imo. Iam holding out for live tv though :D

Dont think the phone handles wma or bitrate above 192 or vbr
The D600 compared to the D500 is huge... In my opinion..for the useage and battery life.. the W800i takes it... Its good for camera, texting ,mp3's etc etc. A great phone :)
the D600 screen is FAR better than the w800i.

Just transfer a picture from a good digital camera to the D600 to see how good it is.

The camera is decent, but nothing special.

The video is very very good though.
W900i is better still mind, but its a lot pricier and a bit bulkier. But it beats both e W800 and the D600 in every department (bar size)
DannyW said:
Yeh, I was looking for a good music phone actually cos my mp3 player has broke, but not many phones (if any) can match mp3 player quality with bass.

I have had a w800i and the sound quality is excellent and the headphones given with the phone have amazing bass; its a truly great music phone, you will not be disappointed with its music capabilities.
I'd go with a w800 like i did, i couldn't live with the fact that the samsung d600 has no standby clock or message indication, having to slide the phone or press the volume button to display the clock etc is pants.
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