D600 Sensor dust issues.

I clean my sensor before every trip or event anyway so i don't see it as an issue. Pec-Pad + eclipse + 2 minutes = job done.

I wouldn't let the dust issue be a deciding factor. You have to think if the better AF and higher res sensor is more important to you than the money difference that could go into lenses.

It is a tough choice, the D600 is the best entry level FF DSLR of any manufacturer, the D800 is the best prosumer level FF DSLR from any manufacturer. For wildlife and sports the D800 is a clear winner, the pixel density finally allows FF cameras to be usable for wildlife enthusiast without mounting a 600mm lens.

That is what it comes down to for me, 10.5 vs 15.5Mp in DX crop mode. I currently have a 12MP DX and want to increase resolution and IQ pf my wildlife work, D800 is the only camera on the market that can let me do that without investing a small fortune in lenses (Nikon 300mm F/4.0 + 1.4xTC is my current limit, 500mm f/4.0 will be a future upgrade).
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