D70 lens reshuffle

5 Jan 2003
Somewhere in the middle
Well still at the planning stage, but looking for a lens reshuffle. Got the following
Nikon 18-70 Kit lens.
Nikon 28-105
Sigma 70-300 APO
Sigma 135-400 (f5.6)

The 18-70 doesn't go wide enough, and I'm not convinced of it's quality, seems to suffer various distortions, mostly at the wide end. Don't really like it...but will keep it as walk about.
The 28-105 is a cracking lens, sharp, amazing close focus, but as it's intend as a full frame lens, 28 on a D70 is pants.
hardly every use the 70-300.
135-400 is my Motor sport, Airshow and Wildlife lens. Not bad.

So a wider lens choice big bucks for a Nikon 12-24mmf4DX AF-ED AFS
or Sigma's 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC DG HSM at less half the price !! or a
12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 EX DG ASPHERICAL HSM
Why two lens so similar in range ??
Then there is a Tamron AF 11-18mm XR Di II

For the longer end did think about replacing the lot with a Sigma 70-200mm f2.8 EX DG HSM Macro..... cant find much to compete with it... then add the x2 converter..... which will bring me up to 400mm F5.6 as now, but with "EX" spec glass. Hopefully sharper and much faster at F2.8.

Any thoughts.
Not sure what the concesus on the Nikkor 80-200 f2.8 would be in it's various guises, but you can get the AF ED version as low as £250 notes on t'bay. I don't know how that would compare to the Sigma though.
Sigma have the 10-20 & the 12-24 as the 12-24 is still catering for full frame users. Not a lot of point in getting the 12-24 Sigma unless you shoot full frame or are likely to in the future.
Just to throw it into the pot, there's also the Tokina 12-24.

Most people go straight for the Sigma 10-20. It's the widest, and is also a good price - but be aware that like many of Sigma's other lenses it has QC issues - one copy may be fab, the next pants. Not an issue if you buy from real shops.
If I had the money I'd go for the Nikkor 12-24
If I was looking to save the pennies I'd go for the Tokina 12-24
If I wanted the widest possible I'd go for the Sigma 10-20
If I needed full frame uber wideness I'd go for the Sigma 12-24

The Tokina 12-24 is generally a bit sharper than the Sigma 10-20, but has a bit more chromatic abberation, too. Build is a lot better than the Sigma.

I'm not the one to even begin to recommend longer lenses, so I'll let somebody else do that ;)

Edit : Personally I don't rate the Tamron 11-18 very highly. So-so build, generally not optically on par with the others & also not any cheaper.
I thought I had read "bad" reviews somewhere of the Nikon one, distortion issues.
Chromatic aberrations would concern me, want the lens for Landscape and Architecture....
The 12-24 Sigma is most tempting, does also protect against Nikon releasing a full frame DSLR.... we can wish !!!
danza said:
Not sure what the concesus on the Nikkor 80-200 f2.8 would be in it's various guises, but you can get the AF ED version as low as £250 notes on t'bay. I don't know how that would compare to the Sigma though.

Apparently has the same visual quality as any new 70-200 VR lens, the differences lie in focus speed mainly.
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