D70 -> Telescope

21 Apr 2004
Southampton University
Is there any kind of adaptor available for this purpose?

Just recently i've had a fair bit of interest in the stars and what not and somewhat predictably a 70-300mm Sigma is never going to be up to that job.

Now one of my housemates has a fairly decent telescope back in Kent that could possibly be used but I am entirely unsure of whether i'd be able to connect my camera to it with some kind of adaptor or if i'd need to kind of photograph the viewfinder... :confused:

Anyone know anything?
Have a look at Scopetronix

They do the kind of thing you will need, although they are US based.

for the UK, maybe these guys can help you.

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Heres what I use.

A T-ring that threads onto the camera body, in much the same way that your lenses do. This is attached to a T-Adapter, which threads onto the back of the telescope. In this case a 2000mm SCT. I got mine from David Hinds, but only because they stock celestron stuff. Since messing about with it, I now desire more sophisticated telescope mounts - no such thing as GPS enabled scopes in my day! For further magnification you can try eyepiece projection, but with high magnification comes the need for ultra sturdy tripods and mounts.
Theres a couple of ways you can do it, either attach the camera body straight to the scope and in effect have one massive telephoto lens, or take a photo through the eyepiece. I use the second method with my Canon A70, 110mm scope and a homemade rig to hold it in place using a bit of wood, a toilet roll and a hose clip. Mostly use it to take shots of the moon like below and using my technique of burst shots and scrolling through the focus on the scope then sorting through 30 shots to find the one thats in focus.

In your image there are two tones of black for the background :)

So with that shameless bump, has anyone else thoughts on the OP's question? I'd love to set my D70 up for some telescopic astral photogrpahy :)
Helium_Junkie said:
Hey divine, did you ever get this working? :)

Nope, didn't have the money for the converter and ive fallen out with my housemate who had the telescope anyway... :p
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