I'm looking at building a server for the house based most likely based on linux. It'll be based in the garage and want it to be able to:
So its it possible to have a machine which boots to console, starts up the NAS / cctv recording, and just sits at the console.
Then when I want, I can simply type a command which will boot the GUI, mess about as needed then exit the GUI and be back at the console again, and the GUI wont be running to save on the power consumption?
- Provide a NAS storage space for the house network which I can increase / upgrade over time by adding drives (thinking ZFS on ubuntu server at the moment)
- Run CCTV recording. Dont need motion detection, just straight record from a few camera. (Shinobi?)
- At times be able to use the GUI ( browse web, youtube etc )
So its it possible to have a machine which boots to console, starts up the NAS / cctv recording, and just sits at the console.
Then when I want, I can simply type a command which will boot the GUI, mess about as needed then exit the GUI and be back at the console again, and the GUI wont be running to save on the power consumption?