Damaged HDMI cable

12 Apr 2009
Hi guys. Accidentally damaged my HDMi wire. Difficult to replace as it runs under the flooring from my media corner to a monitor on other side of room.

How easy is it to repair damaged HDMI cables? Any tips?

And looking at pics, do you think I could open the end module (if So,How?) And try attaching the seperated plate again?



The images load if you right-click and open image in new tab.

Unfortunately they're mostly too blurred to see what's going on, but it looks like destroyed connector.

If you Google 'rewireable hdmi plug' you'll find solder and screw terminal plugs you can fit yourself (given the right tools and enough skill).


What about the Delock Adapter Terminal Block (seen on amazon)?

Wire is about 5 metres.

Also, how would I go about opening the current damaged module? Or is it better to just cut it?
I'd cut it. You've then got a reference for which wire connects to which pin.

I'd prefer to solder a connector on, but it's probably easier said than done.

I'd also be tempted to try chopping the end off another cable and joining the two together. With plenty of patience and shrink wrap it should be possible.

If you have zero soldering skills then a screw terminal connector is going to your only option.

Could you use the existing cable to pull a new one through?

I have zero soldering experience, so won't be risking it.

I could try pulling a new one through using the existing cable, just unsure of the route it takes and the bends too, so am nervous of catching a corner somewhere and messing up, getting stuck.

if you have the time and patience for me, could you please explain the process of 'chopping the end off another cable and joining the two together'?

Does it matter which order I connect the wires to in a terminal connector or do I have to follow a certain colour code/diagram?
some instructions http://www.instructables.com/id/Repair-a-Hdmi-cable/

pulling a new cable through maybe difficult, as you say, accomodating the plug ... but how was it installed originally ?

It was installed when we had the house completely renovated, so floorboards etc. were all out.

how about cutting both ends off the hdmi and taping some cat6 to the cable and pull that through ?

forgive my naivety, but:

A) would this definitely make it easier to pull through around the corners too? and
B) I am assuming I can buy an adapter for CAT 6 -> HDMI connection? Because both the monitor and matrix box I have installed are HDMI only connections.
A) i can't promise but it would be better than pulling a HDMI head , have you had a tug to see if you have any movement ?
B) google cat6 HDMI extender , i cant post a link on here

Thank you.

I tried pulling it a little and there is very little (but tough) movement. I think will be very difficult trying to pull through.
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