damaged laptop component????

2 Jan 2004
Hatfield, Herts
not sure where to put this as its motherboard / small form related :confused:

have got a laptop that turns on and fans spin up but nothing else.

took it apart and found a component broken, does anybody know what this component does and can i get them from anywhere easily?

its the square thing on the left (technical detail ;) )

also another image


any help would be really appreciated. :D

That is a transistor, possibly a Felid Effect Transistor (FET). Your local high-street electronics shop should be able to get them, but unless you have some l33t soldering skills (I think I could just about do that job), then your going to struggle to replace it.
thanks very much :D

my mum worked in the electronics business until she retired last month so may ask her if she can get someone at her work to replace it.

i presume that is why the laptop is not booting up????
xpcpu said:
thanks very much :D

my mum worked in the electronics business until she retired last month so may ask her if she can get someone at her work to replace it.

i presume that is why the laptop is not booting up????

What you have got to ask is, how likely is it the accident that damaged that component didnt damage anything else?
As that is most likely a power MOSFET, judging from the damage, its most likely been caused by either a power circuity short out, or a power surge.

Likelyhood is that it was the weakest component in the circuit, and it blew first.
so is it worth fixing it or cannabalising the laptop as its got some good parts.

P2 2.6
512 pc2700
40gig hdd

all working as i've tested them elsewhere
If it were mine, i'd be tempted to try and get it working again (but i'm technically minded like that). Fact of the matter is, its blown once, and all the components are still fine. By that logic, you have nothing to lose, if it doesn't work after repair, then cannabalise it :)
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