Dambusters remake

Link is dead.

Lets hope it's not another US remake, or we'll have Barnes Wallis played by Matt Damon leading an attack on the dastardly Nazis using B24s.
oops sorry not to good with the techy type stuff.

And I hope all the facts are correct. They burst the dams to flood German industrial towns didn't they?

yeah i beleive that was an overall desired effect. shut down the major weapon producing factorys in the area
"He came back and said that [film company] Icon had the rights and that Mel Gibson was going to direct and possibly act in it," Jackson said.
Thank God that DIDN'T happen!!!!!!!!!!

Fingers crossed it doesn't turn into a movie about America saving the world, just like the one about the Enigma machine.
Sadly it's being done by the boss of bad films/cgi...

However - he has spent an amount of time with the BBMF and the Canadian Lanc so he should be able to get that bit right.

Still - the original version is an iconic film. Lets hope it does a good service to the guys of 617 Sqn.

And as for changing the dogs name...why? Apart fromt he tradition of Hollywood changing history for it's own means *like the BoB film that will focus on an American pilot being the hero of the whole thing - when in reality he was shot down on his first mission iirc*

He's called ****** - it's on his gravestone *which is in the wrong place...* and is well known.

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