I love the eye candy, the old eye in the sky, pressing G a lot, the one shot kills (on those dastardy mexican rebels) but i hate, HATE, H*A*T*E having to reload every few bloody mins cause one of my stupid team has wandered into the field of fire of the machine gun nest i personally forgot to take out 'cause after 23 attempts at the same blasted section my brain is fried! But not only does he wander into the field of fire, he just stands there and goes 'i am being hit'....so ******* well move you daft sod!
Its creap forward, kill all the enemy you can remember, creap forward and get killed by the next enemy down the streat you have not added to yeor list yet, reload, swear a lot, crap forward etc etc
Has anyone discovered a quick save mod for this yet btw?
Its creap forward, kill all the enemy you can remember, creap forward and get killed by the next enemy down the streat you have not added to yeor list yet, reload, swear a lot, crap forward etc etc
Has anyone discovered a quick save mod for this yet btw?