Damn lunatics on the roads!!

18 Oct 2002
So I was coming back from work, minding my own business, when I come to a cross-roads of sorts near my town centre. I stopped at the red light, and I waited for the people to cross and for the lights to turn green. An idyllic little scene, which looked like the picture below:


So after a while, the lights turn yellow, in preparation for green. I put in 1st gear, and with the clutch dipped, did my 6 point check. It was all clear, clutch up to biting point, whilst simultaneously releasing footbrake and starting to apply the accelerator a bit. However, as usual, somebody had to take their chances and the following situation developed:


Yes, as I was moving away, some silly fool ran across the crossing, which was red. As I was starting to rapidly pick up speed, I saw him, got scared, slammed brakes and clutch on, and as the car stopped, I gave him a honk, 3 to 5 seconds long. I had almost killed him!

So what do you expect people in that situation to do? Hands on heart, I have done the same once, jump in front of a car moving off - I ran away embarrassed. I can see how someone would get annoyed, and give me an angry look, or swear a bit at me.

Did any of that happen?


This guy, he turned around, screamed on top of his lungs "You ******* ******", gave me a middle finger with his left arm, he was going bright red as if his head was going to explode, and kept on screaming, kept showing the finger, and started approaching my car rapidly :eek: Then he raised his right arm, as if he wanted to hit the car, or tear the door open. I totally panicked, and just floored the accelerator, trying to get away from him. I almost ran him over as I was driving away (irony, hey? :rolleyes: ) and I was staring through the side window at him, watching him narrowly miss hitting the car (or opening the door, not sure which!) - either way, I was bricking it, and I was not paying attention to the road, so as I was speeding away, my right front wheel mounted the kerb that you can see extending on the right, which is quite tall, about half-way of a 15" wheel? I mounted that, and stayed on it for a bit before coming down again after realising what had happened.

The car now feels weird, I think the tracking is knocked off, dunno what it is exactly, but its definitely gone weird. It can still steer properly, but it feels like there's extra force on the wheel.

Bloody scary that was, has anyone ever encountered anything similarly crazy? I was completely bricking it, still shaking half an hour later. Why are some of these people even allowed outside :( I guess the cops won't be bothered to look him up on CCTV and stuff, will they?
ookk not all that bad really then? lol.. ya must have been doing what... 5mph pulling off?... :confused:
Sounds like a bit of a nightmare :(

I've had similar responses from people crossing the road without looking and then having the cheek to start having a go at me for driving on the road :mad: I usually just tell them where to go and drive off.

Extra force on the steering wheel? The wheel might be knocked out of / off balance, if the tracking was out then surely it would pull in one direction.
Ex-RoNiN said:
I put in 1st gear, and with the clutch dipped, did my 6 point check. It was all clear, clutch up to biting point, whilst simultaneously releasing footbrake and starting to apply the accelerator a bit.

You could have said, you were pulling away...it would have been so much quicker.

P.s, thanks for the diagram, could never have pictured that scene of you in your car sat at a traffic light. :p

Yes, I am slightly sarcastic. :D

How long have you been driving? I come across at least one twonk everyday.
silane said:
Sounds like a bit of a nightmare :(

I've had similar responses from people crossing the road without looking and then having the cheek to start having a go at me for driving on the road :mad: I usually just tell them where to go and drive off.

Extra force on the steering wheel? The wheel might be knocked out of / off balance, if the tracking was out then surely it would pull in one direction.

Yeah tell me about it :( Well, the car always had slightly wobbly tracking, but the force would usually be to the left, but now its like the force is to the right, but it is a different type of force, if you know what I mean? It definitely feels weird, its a different type of pulling (the old way felt like something was hitting the wheels, the new is feels like something inside the engine wants to make it go right).

Also, the steering wheel is now definitely off centre, it was straight before. :(

You could have said, you were pulling away...it would have been so much quicker.

P.s, thanks for the diagram, could never have pictured that scene of you in your car sat at a traffic light.

Yes, I am slightly sarcastic.

How long have you been driving? I come across at least one twonk everyday.


Been driving about a month now, give or take. Twonks or not, surely its not an everyday occurrence that you get chased down by some lunatic, who looks like he wants to rip your head off??
You cant haev been oing that fast! If you were stopped at the lights and he ran otu you will have had what 5 meters to get your speed up if you had just started rolling. Pedestrians ARE idiots, so treat them as such. Persoanlly ill always have a quick scan while im findign the bite to make sure no one is going to run out.

All I can say is forget about it and move on. &%^* happens.

Whats a 6 point check lol?
Aye had a fair share of idiots out today myself. TWO car's cut me up on two different roundabouts in the space of two minutes, some tit in a modded 306 who clearly can't drive no lane discipline whatsoever, sickening :mad:
I tend to find cyclists and mopeds more numpty than peds. They seem to think they don't take any space up on the road, especially when drifting into a mini roundabout without giving way.
Tom|Nbk said:
Aye had a fair share of idiots out today myself. TWO car's cut me up on two different roundabouts in the space of two minutes, some tit in a modded 306 who clearly can't drive no lane discipline whatsoever, sickening :mad:

Quicker you get use to cars pulling out on you on roundabouts the better to be honest. Today doing a roundabout doing 40 (motorway roundabout) and a lorry decides to pull out infront of me, if I hadn't braked I'd have hit halfway down the side. It only a few minutes ago so the roundabout was really quiet too. :confused:
saitrix said:
Quicker you get use to cars pulling out on you on roundabouts the better to be honest. Today doing a roundabout doing 40 (motorway roundabout) and a lorry decides to pull out infront of me, if I hadn't braked I'd have hit halfway down the side. It only a few minutes ago so the roundabout was really quiet too. :confused:
Lorries and roundabouts are different.. they have their own rules and everyone knows that. If you see a lorry waiting to pull out be prepared. I learnt that the hard way when i was actually learning to drive, long story short.. instructor hurt his leg as he didnt expect me to react quickly, i hit the brakes first and he tried to hit thin air with his pedal.. we both sat there and snarled at the stupid lorry driver!
A few years ago when I was living in a bit of a rough area, my mum was giving me a lift back to my house.

We were driving along a main road in the suburbs of town when I spotted the silhoute of a cyclist (appeared to be completely dressed in black and had no lights or reflectors) in riding along the middle of our lane. My mum slowed down with the intention of overtaking him once the lane on the opposite side of the road was clear of traffic.

It then dawned on us that he was cycling towards us - on the wrong side of the road - against the traffic. My mum slammed on her brakes to let him past, and he gave her a load of verbal.

I was furious. In hindsight, I wish we could have run him over and got away with it - the vile scrote!
Yeah you sure do sound like a lunatic :p

Just sounds like your inexperience showing a bit tbh. With pedestrian lights people will always try and run across if the traffic hasn't started moving yet. Just need to be ready for it and most importantly ready to stop.

Also its quite imposing for you to be sat in your 1 ton metal box leaning on the horn. Im not suprised the guy took offence, even if he was in the wrong.
Jet said:
I think the moral of the story is: Don't toot your horn at charva's.

I knew you were local before looking at your location, i think we are the only people that say charver rather than chav.
6 point check. Hmm, ignition on, seatbelt on, right mirror, left mirror, rear view mirror, hairs ok. Right, we're off.

Surely, just checking the crossing was clear would be more useful. The lights are somewhat irrelevant. Green doesnt give you the right to mow someone down, even if they are an idiot.
Just try not to use the horn maybe? You shouldnt have ran off like a pussy though.

Shoulda got in his face all like n wit? n wit?? eh eh n wit?? that always works :p


Sat there n said "HAW! **** off off the road n git a grip!!!!!!"


Picked up your steering lock from under your seat and beat him down with it.
Jonny ///M said:
Just try not to use the horn maybe? You shouldnt have ran off like a pussy though.

Shoulda got in his face all like n wit? n wit?? eh eh n wit?? that always works :p


Sat there n said "HAW! **** off off the road n git a grip!!!!!!"


Picked up your steering lock from under your seat and beat him down with it.
Or whipped out yer keyboard and typed ********'s at him. :p
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