Damn Speed Cameras. (M8)

23 Mar 2003
I was driving along the M8 today coming up to the well signposted speed cameras which have been there for the last 3 or 4 weeks. So i knew they where there. 40 Mph zone doing 35-36 ( Speedo Reading) I am the only car in the lines and then flash flash.

So now i am left being paranoid for the next 14 days :-(.. Speed cameras really **** me off.

No swearing. Read the FAQs
If you know you were doing less than the limit, why be paranoid :confused:

So what if a picture was taken of your car, your going to get diddly-squat for it.
So its not that unusual for them to randomly discharge or wrongly flash?

I presume the speed calculations are double checked using the lines?
Yes, the speed you were doing can and will be confirmed using the lines as a guide. And I have witnessed cameras going off randomly before.
I was in the car with the girlfriend on the way to hastings last year, and we had a speed camera flash us.

I was actually looking at the speedo at the exact time i saw the reflection of the flash in the dash, she was doing well under the 30 speed limit (26ish). We were the only car on the lines too. She didnt hear anything so I wouldnt be worried atall :)
Don't worry about it too much, remember the time & date, & your speed & just contest any ticket that arrives.

This has happened to me a few times in my artic, especially pulling 45ft trailers for some weird reason....

They indeed check the lines against your movement and your in the clear, as long as you were not speeding.

Strangely, some Police forces don't regard a tachograph (from an HGV) as a proof of speed for speed camera offences! :confused:
R124/LA420 said:
Don't worry about it too much, remember the time & date, & your speed & just contest any ticket that arrives.

This has happened to me a few times in my artic, especially pulling 45ft trailers for some weird reason....

They indeed check the lines against your movement and your in the clear, as long as you were not speeding.

Strangely, some Police forces don't regard a tachograph (from an HGV) as a proof of speed for speed camera offences! :confused:

Is that a lot of hassle? does it go to court if you contest it ?
I think the reason why a lot of HGVs get done is because the doors on the back of the container vibrate and echo a false reading to the radar. I've read of dozens and dozens of people who have had their speeding allegations dropped when investigated. I'd always investigate if ever I was "done".
Amps said:
Is that a lot of hassle? does it go to court if you contest it ?

Depends if they decide to drop it or not..... Its happened to me a few times, not been to court - yet!
About 6 months ago, Sunday morning, 9:30am on an empty motorway on the M80. Was travelling at @120mph and not paying attention to the overbridges approaching. Spotted a Camera van zapping me with his laser at the very last minute on an overbridge near the Larbert slip road. Hammered the brakes on and scrubbed off at least 40mph as I passed underneath him.

Was watching the post through the letterbox for weeks afterwards, with a feeling of complete dread!!!.
I got flashed last December on a traffic light camera, which are considered more serious. I thankfully heard nothing of it:cool:

Sounds like you'll be fine.
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