A question for a friend,
He has noticed that in his house once the heating is turned off, the temperature drops quickly and the air feels cold. Two of the rooms are the same, the bed feels cold to the touch, it almost feels 'wet' as he says. There doesn't seem to be any signs of damp at the first instance, and he airs out the house, everyday.
Would a humidifier help or is this something more seriousness. It's really bad in the cold weather.
He has noticed that in his house once the heating is turned off, the temperature drops quickly and the air feels cold. Two of the rooms are the same, the bed feels cold to the touch, it almost feels 'wet' as he says. There doesn't seem to be any signs of damp at the first instance, and he airs out the house, everyday.
Would a humidifier help or is this something more seriousness. It's really bad in the cold weather.