Damp Proofing

29 Jun 2011
Hi all

I'm looking for some advice/help, I've got damp in the floor under my stairs. I've tried to dry it out using 2 plug in radiators (which cost a fortune in electricity), but after checking yesterday, it appears the damp is back :mad: I don't think it's rising damp as the walls don't appear to be damp, 1 wall is cold but as it's an external wall, I presume this is normal?

Is there a way I could get rid of the damp without having to pay £1,000's for a damp proofing course? I'd like to tile over the floor but if I tile in it current state, I don't think the tiles will stay down.

Can anyone advise a cheapish DIY fix to damp?

I assume it's got a door on it? just heating it won't get rid of the damp, you need to de-humidify it, you can hire a dehumidifier for a week and leave it on and totally dry it out, would start there and see if it comes back.

Is that wall an external wall? or a party wall?

If it's external are the gutter working, do you have vegetation up the walls over the original DPC? some hoses have land drains around the perimeter which some people think is a great idea to fill in with soil and plant.

You could try a tubular heater in there if it is condensation on cold walls as it's unheated.
Do you have a picture or diagram on where this is (adjacent to external walls etc). Is it solid or wooden? Seems an odd place to get damp.

As suggested it could be leaking gutter, water collecting on around air bricks, damaged exterior wall or leaking pipes etc
Botching this could come back to haunt you in a year or so's time I'd get an expert round to tell you where the damp is comming from and recomend you a solution you don't have to act on it but at least you will know. The causes of damp are many and varied so just trying to seal it in and forget about it might not be a great solution!
What expert though?

A damp proofing specialist will tell you it needs all the damp proofing under the sun
A Building Surveyor will tell you "yes it's damp" probably from one of the items already listed above

I'd narrow down a few things first, it's not unususal for these sort of places to be damp, before double glazing and our fasination with sealing a house we used to have air flow which took away any moisture, now all our houses are sealed the moisture has no where to go bar condensating in cool spaces, it may not mean there's a problem.
Could use a Liquid Damp Proof Membrane, which you brush on.
Give the floor two coats, ideally you need to paint up the wall to damp course level


I gave the floor two coats, allowing to dry thoroughly between coats, then the floor was tiled.


Cheers, once i've dried it out i'll give it 2 coats of this.

I assume it's got a door on it? just heating it won't get rid of the damp, you need to de-humidify it, you can hire a dehumidifier for a week and leave it on and totally dry it out, would start there and see if it comes back.

Is that wall an external wall? or a party wall?

If it's external are the gutter working, do you have vegetation up the walls over the original DPC? some hoses have land drains around the perimeter which some people think is a great idea to fill in with soil and plant.

You could try a tubular heater in there if it is condensation on cold walls as it's unheated.

It had a plasticy door (the ones that fold about 5-6 times) when I moved in but I took the door off when changing the kitchen and haven't put it back on. The kitchen suffers with condensation but it doesn't have an extractor fan, could this cause damp in the floor? The room is right next to the kitchen, sorry didn't mention that. I'll try a dehumidifier - thanks.

I think it's a party wall, the other side of the wall is on my neighbours property but the guttering etc looks fine.

Do you have a picture or diagram on where this is (adjacent to external walls etc). Is it solid or wooden? Seems an odd place to get damp.

As suggested it could be leaking gutter, water collecting on around air bricks, damaged exterior wall or leaking pipes etc

I'm in work at the moment but I'll draw a diagram when I get home.

Botching this could come back to haunt you in a year or so's time I'd get an expert round to tell you where the damp is comming from and recomend you a solution you don't have to act on it but at least you will know. The causes of damp are many and varied so just trying to seal it in and forget about it might not be a great solution!

Ideally I would like to do this but I can't afford to get someone in to look at it (just got my 1st car + this is my 1st house and that = no money lol). My plan is to try and keep the problems at bay for 2-3 years then have the house gutted.

What expert though?

A damp proofing specialist will tell you it needs all the damp proofing under the sun
A Building Surveyor will tell you "yes it's damp" probably from one of the items already listed above

I'd narrow down a few things first, it's not unususal for these sort of places to be damp, before double glazing and our fasination with sealing a house we used to have air flow which took away any moisture, now all our houses are sealed the moisture has no where to go bar condensating in cool spaces, it may not mean there's a problem.

I know there's damp in the back wall in the kitchen, not very bad but damp nonetheless. Stupidly when I moved in, I drilled wood to the wall and created a plasterboard wall. I regret doing this now as obviously it's not going to fix the problem. This may be the reason there's damp in my house. I'll draw a diagram when I get home as I'm probably confusing everyone :D

Thanks for all your replies, it's much appreciated.
Yeah, it could be condensation. Had a similar problem with damp on the floor near our back door and fitting a decent extractor fan in the kitchen and keeping the door leading to that area shut cured it.

The floor is still cold due to no insulation, but no damp any more.
The house layout a la M$ paint:


Resize image please.

Blue lines = Windows
Red Lines = Doors

I think I'll get a dehumidifier, a good extractor fan and put a decent door on the entrance to where the damp is. I'll add the 'Liquid Damp Proof Membrane' and wait a couple of weeks before I tile. Can I do anything else?
Fit some Cavity Wall Weep Vents, these will give ventilation in the cavity, & allow any moisture to escape.


You could also fit a Air Brick outside & a Louvre vent inside will give constant ventilation.

I see you have damp in two places, the 'Damp Back Wall' any path should be 150mm below the damp course.

The 'External Wall' what's outside there, again soil above damp course, has it always been damp or just started.
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