Danger den maze 4 gpu

wel i got my sli gtx cards not overclocked at 31oC on one card and 35oC on the other card. dont think there can be much better than that and the cards are the xfx extreem editions as wel tho running 490/1300
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The low profile might interfere with any RAMsinks that you might use, so check before you start sticking things on.

I have a pair of Aquaextreme MP-1's for my graphics cards. I have a single slot gap between my cards and the MP-1's are full size blocks but they do fit with about 6mm to spare. As they are the same shape and size as the DD maze 4 gpu blocks externally (but not internally) you do not necessarily need the LP blocks. The mounting kit for the lower card needs to be modified (shorten the threaded bars) but it's not any great hassle.

The best bit is that they are only £25.99 each and offer identical performance to the DD Maze 4.
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