Dark Souls 2 3 vs Bloodbourne

It's like the Star Wars trilogy, a section of the fans love empire of the strikes back(dark souls 2), but I think generally it's a battle between Star Wars(DS1) and Return of the Jedi(DS3). If I had the chance to play just one for a weekend it would be 3. Bloodborne is better then 2, but not 1 or 3 in my opinion.
It's like the Star Wars trilogy, a section of the fans love empire of the strikes back(dark souls 2), but I think generally it's a battle between Star Wars(DS1) and Return of the Jedi(DS3). If I had the chance to play just one for a weekend it would be 3. Bloodborne is better then 2, but not 1 or 3 in my opinion.

I don't disagree, Dark Souls 2 is literally bottom of the list of Souls games for me, but SotFS is a different ball game, I've only ever heard praise from other players for it, except the occasional 'we shouldn't have to pay for a remaster/fix' which isn't completely wrong.

But my god is SotFS a masterpiece. :o

Though if Bloodborne gets a PS5 remaster one day or by some miracle a PC release, and we get to play it at 60fps rather than 15-24fps, it will hands down poop on the Souls series for me.
Scholar of the First Sin is an inferior game to the original Dark Souls 2 for me. The new enemy placement is absolutely horrid, relying on bombarding you with crowds of enemies in order to create artificial difficulty. Add that to the dull environments and hugely underwhelming bosses and you have the worst of the series by far IMO. It was made by the B team and it shows.

Haven't played Bloodborne as I don't have a PS4, but Dark Souls 3 is a fantastic game. My second favourite of the series after Demon's Souls.
Scholar of the First Sin is an inferior game to the original Dark Souls 2 for me. The new enemy placement is absolutely horrid, relying on bombarding you with crowds of enemies in order to create artificial difficulty. Add that to the dull environments and hugely underwhelming bosses and you have the worst of the series by far IMO. It was made by the B team and it shows.

Haven't played Bloodborne as I don't have a PS4, but Dark Souls 3 is a fantastic game. My second favourite of the series after Demon's Souls.

If you're a hardened Demon Souls fan you owe it to yourself to play Bloodborne, I swear it is worth owning a PS4 for. Personally I have Demon Souls/Bloodborne tied 3rd behind DS1/DS3.
If you haven't played any of them, I'd highly recommend starting with Dark Souls 1.

Many will still consider it the best and at the very least, nobody is going to say they dislike it, like some will with DS2, DS3 and Bloodborne(and even Demons Souls).

It's the safest bet. If you dont like it, you're unlikely to enjoy any of the others.
Bloodborne is probably the easiest to start with. The guns and health system allow it to be a little more forgiving. Dark Souls 3 plays a little bit slower but can be better for it. It also looks better and plays a lot more smoothly at 60fps which helps a fraction with timing. Between those 2 for me although not tried DS1.
For me as i started with Dark souls 2, its the winner, im about 20 hours in on DS3, and i am enjoying it.
They have ruined the Sorc tho.. Cant aim until right up in the monsters face, and the targeting gets lost when a small fence gets in the way.

Targeting range seems to increase based on the Mob, which imo is stupid.
Any Dark Souls game is good but I would start with DS3 to be honest as it's the best one in the series in my option. I also really like Bloodborne. All games from FROM are just masterpieces and well worth playing.
Ooh Demons Souls! Do any of the Dark Souls games even compare?
Yes, they do. :/

Demons Souls was a great first entry, but I dont know - I definitely feel it's the least of them. Good atmosphere, level design is generally pretty good, but the variety of different areas is quite small and that hurts the game a lot for me. Also not a fan of how easy it is to load up on tons of healing items. Nor the black/white system, which is not explained at all and is basically where all the cool secrets are stuck behind. You basically need to use a guide and even then, it can prove tedious to get the worlds in the right 'state' to unlock the secrets. Then there's the fact that the visuals haven't aged well and it doesn't run that great. Could really use a Remaster at this point.

It's worth playing still, and I could even see making a case to play it first if you have a PS3 lying around, but only because playing it later will probably diminish its appeal by comparison to the other games.
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