Dark theme option?

18 Jan 2007
Land of the Scots
There are plenty of people here that use the dark theme userstyle and I have got so used to it that I really don't like coming back in a browser where I can't install the theme...

I know that historically OCUK have not pandered to many changes to the forums over the years but I'm begging!

I'm not asking to change the default skin, though personally I think you should, just please give us an option to change in user cp

Link is in sig if you don't know what I'm talking about.

I've raised it for discussion although it sounds as if there is an adequate workaround in most instances. I would point out that if there is much alteration required to the forums code to allow this it's highly unlikely to be implemented.

AFAIK vbulletin has built in skinning and in theory all one would have to do is copy the current theme and add the dark css. Not the best way but is the easiest.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong I have no experience with vbulletin.
Yep, also need the graphics for the dark buttons to be uploaded to the server, then point the skin to look at these. Maybe an hour's work maximum to make sure all the blue parts are of the dark colour.
The graphics from the theme are written into the css using base64 so no uploading needs to be done.
What if the work around was to stop working? :p

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