Darkness 2 free on Humble bundle

Agreed. The gameplay is awesome - I had so much fun with it. How does being able to dual wield weapons but in addition, have 2 tentacles that you pick up enemies with and tear them apart with!? The campaign is really cool too with some mafia type characters.
I wonder whether they had spare keys left over from when they secured it for a Tier 1 bundle proper? It seems more often than not the Humble freebies have been given away at some point in the main bundles.
Well worth picking up, and although I didn't enjoy it quite as much as the first it's still great fun to play. Quite amusing in places, too. :D
I'd love to try the first one but it doesn't seem to be available anywhere? What year was it released?

Yeah, as someone mentioned, it was unfortunately only released on consoles.

I didn't play many titles on my 360 but it was probably the one I enjoyed the most. Definitely worth playing.
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