Like Runescape, or used to like it? Check out this new gamemode! Completely free, very fun.
Its a bit chaotic at the moment, but things should get very interesting when people start to spread out properly and separate into clans.
Check it out!
Like Runescape, or used to like it? Check out this new gamemode! Completely free, very fun.
- Based on the main runescape game, with the legacy combat system
- Completely free - Content that is members only in runescape is available for F2P players in this mode
- Every account starts at base stats, even if you have a regular RS account
- PvP everywhere, all the time. No safe spots.
- World map is divided into three zones - Low, Medium, and High risk
- Like in regular RS, you become "skulled" when attacked someone.
- Guards patrol zones in different quantities depending on the zone risk. Guards will attack skulled players, are max combat, and use an enhanced combat system.
- Each zone has its own distinct bank and grand exchange
- Grand exchange prices for items differ between zones. The only way to move items between zones is by foot
- XP rates are boosted compared to the main game. Having runescape membership gives you 1.5x rates
- Contains all the previous 14 years worth of game updates. Will be updated differently from regular runescape from now on.
Its a bit chaotic at the moment, but things should get very interesting when people start to spread out properly and separate into clans.
Check it out!