Data Model

8 Jan 2003
Can someone give me some inspiration on how to model a league in a database?

This will obviously comprise of teams, players, fixtures, results, scoring, etc. But then there's things to complicate matters such as players leaving a team during a season and playing for another team.
Something like:

- Player <player-id,age,name. . etc. >
- Teams <team-id,name,ground capacity . . etc.>
- Contracts <team-id,player-id> // tells you which players play for which club.
- Fixtures <fixture-id,team-id,team-id2,date,result>
- Results <fixture-id,score>
- Scorers <fixture-id,scorer>

The exact type of queries you are planning on having affect what tables you use. You could combine Contracts and Player however certain queries could take longer as a result. The same could be said for combining Results and Fixtures.
Not far off what I came up with. (Excuse the use of MS Access)

When I try and relate the Scorer, Assist1 and Assist2 fields in tblFixtureGoals to the PlayerID in tblPlayers, it generates another 2 aliases for the tblPlayers table. There's still only one actual tblPlayers table, must be the way Access handles relationships.

Haven't used Access for years, used to SQL Server.
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