Database software

8 Oct 2008
A friend has a shared database running in excel currently, which is a total mess, too big, crashes often and cumbersome to use. It's a job entry, time sheet, invoicing setup.

He's asked me to help, and I really am unsure of what would be the best way to proceed. I'm very clued up on sql, and have assisted with the development of larger projects using .net / asp front ends etc, however the coding for the user interface was a mammoth task. I dont think this is the way to go for such a small project.

I've looked at alternatives such as access (how is access these days ?), alpha5 and filemaker, I'm at a bit of a loss on which would be the better option. I really want to avoid manual coding as it will no doubt up with me spending weeks researching ways todo things, bug fixing etc. :)

So can anyone recommend a solution that's has nice wizards for creating reports, creating easy to develop and use front ends etc, enables network access to the data. Thanks.

Haaa not much, he really is a friend, so although I and he understands time is money, I imagine something around 1-2k but as it's early stages we haven't got that far. He's a bricky/maintenance man. so you can guess what kind of data goes in/out.

I really don't want to go down the php route as powerful as it is. I have no knowledge of the language, nor do I want too (my coding days are over).
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