dating online scam

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2 Jul 2005
i can't believe i almost fell for this. i got distracted by those damn boobs. lol
i thought it may be interesting to post this to warn others

We met online on ?????

You have a great attitude. Would love to meet you and see where we go

????? profile ?????

Msg back


Hey thanks for emailing me. How are you? I haven’t been able to find anyone yet on the site cause
I keep getting all these creeps and weird replies. Can you send me a recent pic?
I’ll send mine back just promise me that you won't share it to someone,
I don't want anyone to know I'm trying this out. And can you tell me where are you from ?


Sure I can do that. What kind of picture did you have in mind?
Did you want to see me naked?
I can send my picture to arouse your sexual appetite even more? Let me know


Thanks but I hope you're not just another rude guy,
I get lots of emails from those creeps and it's really driving me nuts, LOL.
Lots of guys on the site are nothing but talk it seems….they probably all live at home with their parents lol.
So did u read my profile on the site and u emailed me here coz ur looking for someone to meet to try FWB/NSA just like me?
I am looking for a discreet NSA relationship.
I'm not looking for anything serious, just someone to please me and put a smile on my face (if you can please me then i will return the favor).
I’m willing to try most things once. Got any plans for tonight or tomorrow?


You're gonna have to wait a little before I dig up some recent photos of me.
You are stunning girl. I like you a lot and you have a beautiful sensual side and a body to die for.
I want to explore your body and please you like you want me to. I am very manly guy and very attentive to women.
I live in ????? and I can see you're a bit far but I could make some plans. Maybe we can sort something out. Do you have any suggestions?


So where would like to meet? I live with my sister and since I'm trying to keep my little secret then I won't be able to host.
I'd rather come to your place or somewhere public, maybe if we need we could get a room or something
I'm willing to do whatever just as long as you know how to satisfy and you don't get all weird or try to turn this into a relationship...And BTW,
I have a simple terms and conditions about this, and I hope you'll show me that you're serious by accepting my terms and conditions.


Wow we are totally on the same wavelength. I also live with my sister but she doesn't care what I do.
The relationships thing is the last thing on my mind. I avoid that like the plague. I am all for adventure and experience.
When you meet me you'll see how spontaneous I am. It's entirely in the core of my nature. Like I said I will do anything that you want.
How about we meet half way or you come over to me and we find a nice cozy place just for the two of us. Does that sound good?


that sounds good . very interesting to meet person like you, so where would you like to meet?
For me I'd rather come to somewhere public or maybe we could get a room? what do you think? :)And BTW,
I have a simple terms and conditions about this, and I hope you'll show me that you're serious by accepting my terms and conditions.


Let me think about it overnight. I am gonna be busy tomorrow so it's going to be later in a week. Be patient. I will get back to you :)


these are my terms and conditions

first I want to make sure that im safe with you and you're safe to meet, is that ok??
You only need to get approved on my dating agreement site and get your approval number for us to meet..
I came to the point to have this dating agreement because I had bad experience meeting someone online before, thats a very traumatic experience..
i hope you understand my concerns for being a woman, I just want to be safe and happy.
second, I don't like taking videos while we're doing it (u know what i mean)
and third, I want this to keep discreet, it's just between you and me..
that's it, I know you can show me that you're a real man that can provide and accept these terms of mine,
and I hope that you'll show me you're serious cuz I really wanna try this FWB/NSA thingy...


I completely accept your terms obviously and you don't need to worry. I am genuine and honest guy.
I'll treat you like beautiful women that you are and I know we're gonna have a good time.


Okay now you need to get an approval number on this site .
Hope you did it coz im not here to play games here and waste our each time.I just want to be safe and meet you as well.

when the page is up fill out the 1st page then if you are the 2nd page
put the details needed then tell me if you are done so i will guide you there ok.
.they will automatically send my full contact details in you email so once you
have it call me right away so we can set the plan for our meet up babe.
Just keep it real with me and don’t get clingy k?note: dont forget to click the
Skip payment on the Third page after the card page okay for you To become a Freemenber ;)


hey ? are you done ? still there ?


just tell me when your done and tell me whats your username


I am not sure I trust this website. I've been victim of credit card fraud before so
I wouldn't like to disclose my details to them.
I'm also taking a chance on you and I don't know if you are who you say.
It's kind of same for both sides. I'm not pushing you as you can probably tell.
I am genuinely excited by prospect of meeting you but you gotta believe me that
I am the good guy because I am and I have nothing but good intentions.


its legit babe .those pornsite and cam site is just a freesite once you get the Approval ID okay .
ITs legit and Secured . so did you already verify ?? are you Done ??


I understand that the net is full of bull dont count me in as one coz i am not playing games on here,
and not risking my moral as an educated woman by making fun of any guy on here...hard to believe ,
though but thats me, i mean what i say! no games, no pretentions!


I'm not using the site, sorry and I am not gonna push you for anything. You can take my word for it.
I told you I am genuine caring guy. We can meet in busy crowded place and if don't like what you see
right there and then we can go our separate ways. It's your choice.


Listen up! CC info is just for age majority approval, It won't cost you anything,
They only use that method to prevent fake account on accessing the org


That's me, 100% true


I KNOW ! Just trust me hunn if you give me your 1% trust and i will give it back to you
my 99% so you don't needed to get my trust as long as you get the hookup badge trust me i will be worth it.


I'll tell you what. I will come to you on your terms so give me your set up and we'll both be safe and happy. I think that's fair


like I said babe, I just want to feel safe before we meet, so i need to know if you can get on a
Security Site first before we set things up,I hope you understand my concerns. Alright?


Girl we're so close but you gotta to understand it's same for both of us.
I also need assurance but I trust you and I believe you are who you say.
I want you to trust me as well. The least we both can do is meet up and then decide
if we want to go through with it. I'm easy going and friendly. You got
no reason to be suspicious. I have been nothing but genuine and forthcoming with you all the way.
I think we have a great connection and I'm not putting any pressure on you. It's 50 - 50
for both of us and we're both taking a chance but let's not waste it. Its your call


well im not like of those girl you encounter babe ... well im not forcing you to do this.
im just making myself sure that i will be safe when we meet. its not too much to ask right?.
but if you want you can leave as you wish. okay?. its your choice.


Alright it was nice to meet you and speak with you. If you change your mind you can always drop me a message.

Take care


well i'm not forcing you to do this. i'm just making myself sure that i will be safe when we meet.
its not too much to ask right?. but if you want you can leave as you wish. okay?. its your choice.

i'm glad i got out of this but i didn't genuinely think i was being conned until she asked for credit card details...phew
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2 Jul 2005
lol i could post picture of her but they are probably fake. she sent me three and she wasn't all that on second look you know just young naked brunette and not worth more than a quick shag. i got hooked on her bluntness and aggressiveness and it was kind of a turn on
2 Jul 2005
she seemed so horny and loose as hell. men are suckers for that unless your old timer experienced or retired from these things. i thought you could bed her in two minutes. i was stirring her up even more and pulling her strings to see how much more drama i could create. she was constantly pushing it and it was kind of fun. i just played up to her game but i did think she was crazy genuine until terms and conditions popped up. i imagine whoever was on other side was ****ed off didn't get me to submit my credit card details.
2 Jul 2005
if anyone cares her pof username is Queen_loveyou097

i think she has hidden her profile but if she comes back will report her as scammer.
2 Jul 2005
Your first contact with her was to want to offer a naked picture of yourself?

Are you mental?

she asked me for the picture and i wasn't going to send it but if i did i wouldn't reveal my face to her, obviously. it's good to see some find it entertaining for laugh. i thought it was funny as well. i'm no quentin tarantino but i hung it there. if she was genuine girl though i think we would have gone all the way.
2 Jul 2005
Or just not a total **** on the internet. I suggest you ask your sister to supervise your next trip on POF.

what do you mean? are you suggesting women like good guys? you know one of those polite, clean guys who play by the book but are shy and can't summon enough courage to approach a women. good luck getting women's interest that way. they are far likely to find rough, devious, rebellious men more appealing over the soft romantic mimicking guys who learn chat up line from their favorite movies probably starring own wilson and who compliments their looks all the time. that's got no substance.
2 Jul 2005
Lol why did you share this with us? It's brilliant but I would be totally embarrassed if me.

what's embarrassing? it's just a conversation. i would never have red cheek over that. you need to learn to get over silly things. it was all an act anyway and some people think here i behave that way in real life lol
2 Jul 2005
what i meant was if i was out in a bar i would not act in same manner but there is reason people says there are all kinds of weirdos on internet and that includes you, me and everyone else without exception. don't we all put on a fake persona and and act out of character a lot of time. yes course everyone does so why not see and explore the weird and wonderful side of world wide web. it definitely takes you out from your comfort zone and things you would never do or consider in real life suddenly appear to be possible. i've got no regrets and it was all meaningless talk in the end
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