Dave is dead, long live Dave

18 Oct 2002
"Sunny" Plymouth
Well not actually dead, he's up for sale because i've bought another one :D


Needs a bit of restoration, but i've been after one of these for ages, mucho happy bunny.
Crikey, it's all go with this project. How much work will the new one take?
didnt dave beat you up at one point thought youd be glad to see him go :p or was it your fault for not securing him down properly ? :p
Yup, it's a CS 6/1 with an SOM baseplate

(That's a cold starting 6hp, 1 cylinder with a Start-o-Matic base)

It's nearly identical to the 8/1, so i can rebuild it in that direction and be able to run a slightly larger alternator too :D
Rich1988 said:
didnt dave beat you up at one point thought youd be glad to see him go :p or was it your fault for not securing him down properly ? :p

Shush :p

(i kind of left the part about Dave being physically violent out of the auction description ;))
Roll up! Roll up!

Come to SB's rusty engine museum!

P.S. Don't get too close to the exhibits - they have been known to attack without warning. :D
I think he's going to end up with a nuclear power station in about 3 years at this rate. Hey SB118 is your second name Burns?

Excellent :p
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