DaVinci Code

I'm not particularly fussed. I thought the book was good, but in no way is it as good as everyone makes out.
Haven't read the book, can't say I'm bothered by the film. Don't really understand all the hype to be honest. The plotline of the book doesn't interest me in the slightest. (Looks like trashy throw-away thriller fiction to me).
Plus once this ones made them a ton we'll be getting Angels & Demons, Digital Fortress and any other Dan Brown book Hollywood can get its mits on.

Even if they say its a complete stinker i'll still go see it and decide for myself.

I do enjoy how much it winds the church up though :p FFS ITS A WORK OF FICTION if they hadnt have made such a fuss at the beginning when it was released as a book it wouldnt be nearly as popular as it is now and all there winging now is only gonna buy Dan Brown a new wing on his mansion!
ballistic said:
what exactly is the point of this movie if everyone have read the book? oh yeah to make money.

What do you think the point of any other Hollywood movie is? Art?
Some Choice comments:

"Director Ron Howard and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman have conspired to drain any sense of fun out of the melodrama, leaving expectant audiences with an oppressively talky film that isn't exactly dull but comes as close to it as one could imagine with such provocative material."

"A jumble of historical myth, religious symbology and international thriller-action makes for an unwieldy, bloated melodrama."

"A polished affair with moments of interest, but simply far too long, too talky and just not interesting or clever enough to engage let alone entertain."

"There might be a riveting adventure thriller to be made from Dan Brown's controversial bestseller, but this is not it. Melodramatic, overlong and dare I say occasionally boring, Ron Howard's The Da Vinci Code gets lost in the maze of its puzzles and media"
One more:

“It's not a good sign when your film's big revelatory moment is greeted with laughter,” wrote Stephen Schaefer, a film writer for The Boston Herald. "
I just saw this on NBC that it was getting panned.
Book to film transitions rarely work. The last book to film translation i was dying to see was the runaway jury, and the film was terrible, it just didnt work.
I want to see the movie, but for a start i think it has be totally miss cast. I mean the monk is ment to be a man mountain evil psychotic killer, the wee funny chap from a knights tale aint gonna cut it.
I did enjoy the book, recommended it to several people who all enjoyed it too, but tbh i prefferered Angels and demons.
It can't be as bad as the book so I may give it a watch.
book was poor so wont be surprised if the film ends up the same
C'mon people, thats rubbish. Although I wasn't a fan of the writing style, it was in no way a POOR book. Why was it poor? Thats just another example of people saying popular thinks are rubbish or uncool.

Its not a great book, not even a very good book, but its a fair 7 or 6 out of ten. A long was from 'poor'.
Nitefly said:
C'mon people, thats rubbish. Although I wasn't a fan of the writing style, it was in no way a POOR book. Why was it poor? Thats just another example of people saying popular thinks are rubbish or uncool.

Its not a great book, not even a very good book, but its a fair 7 or 6 out of ten. A long was from 'poor'.

as you said, the writing style is not his strongest point. He took an interesting story written by someone else & concocted a poor effort at a thriller around it.

This is not popular bashing, I just dont think he is much of a writer, if you want easy to read / interesting thrillers try Grisham instead.
Funny how the book got panned by the critics, yet it's sold over 40 million copies, dodgy conspiracy theories and countless documentaries exploring it's central theme.

One of the attractions of the book for me was because of the simple style of writing and every chapter seemed to hook you into reading the next one, almost like a cliffhanger. If this is an example of "bad English" as one critic put it, then give me more please. I certainly found it more entertaining/easier to read than other books I have read.

As for the movie itself I wasn't expecting much from it and to me the whole Opus Dei thing isn't against that organisation, rather the bishop and the monk themselves rather than slating Opus Dei as "evil". Then again I doubt half the media commentators have read the thing.
afraser2k said:
Funny how the book got panned by the critics, yet it's sold over 40 million copies, dodgy conspiracy theories and countless documentaries exploring it's central theme.

The fact it's sold 40 million copies doesn't really mean much. Harry Potter has sold loads and those books aren't exactly good.

I think you answer your own point almost:

One of the attractions of the book for me was because of the simple style of writing

Same with Harry Potter (which is a kid's book). I haven't read the Da Vinci code so I can't properly comment, but half the attraction is probably because people would just love there to be some massive conspiracy going on within the church. People love conspiracy theories for some reason :confused:
And while I'm on Harry Potter, it's a bit of a travesty that it's so people when other fantasy series which are infinity times better don't sell nearly aswell.

mcmad said:
This is not popular bashing, I just dont think he is much of a writer, if you want easy to read / interesting thrillers try Grisham instead.

The Chamber was probably one of the most boring books I've ever read :p
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