Dawn of war 3 build

23 Apr 2016
Hello again,

After building my joker PC I'm currently starting a new project for the release of dawn of war 3.

This build is going to take a fair few months as I need to sort out the parts etc.

My idea at the moment is to have the following-

White parvum s2 case modded to make it look like it has been through the wars, also customized
Asus gene motherboard watercooled
1080 graphics card water blocked
Unsure of RAM
Full acrylic tubing
Blood red aurora fluid
A plexi res made by parvum with inscriptions of eldar sayings

The theme is going to be eldar themed and going for the colour of he banshee model and the banshees in the dawn of war 3 trailer.

I'm more excited about the build than I was about the joker build!

Should be interesting
Like I said guys its going to be a slow process, please bear with me I will be uploading a rough design of what I have in mind.

Failing that because my paint skills are not great, I will just upload images of the parts Im thinking of.
You know what I never actually thought of that......Kind of a good idea and if you wouldn't mind that would be awesome :D
Looking forward to this one, hope getting everything together for the build goes smoothly, what have you done with the joker build? Did you get the cables for it in the end?

Its still sat in my room, didn't get the cables for it as had a lot going on, going to get the proper cables for this build.
You know what I never actually thought of that......Kind of a good idea and if you wouldn't mind that would be awesome :D

Yeah no worries, ive a Wraith Lord and a Knight kicking about SOMEWHERE. Lemmie dig them out and get measurements for height as the knight is ****ing huge and might not be suitable.
I really appreciate it, Not unless you have one that's kneeling or can modify it ;)

I'm a big 40k gamer myself so I understand how big they are.
So a little update on this project, Me and a fellow colleague have decided to do this project together! Myself and shellshockmunch will be working together to produce a awesome build for you guys to keep your eye on.
So a little update on this project, Me and a fellow colleague have decided to do this project together! Myself and shellshockmunch will be working together to produce a awesome build for you guys to keep your eye on.

Can't wait for this one. The joker build was awesome :)
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