Day insurance

31 Oct 2002
Newcastle upon Tyne
I've sold my ER5 to a mate of mine and need to ride it over his house as he hasn't done his test yet (he's going to be doing his CBT and DAS soon but maybe not for a month or two)

Problem is that I've now insured my FZ6 (the ER5 replacement) so the ER5 is sat on my driveway uninsured. I thought that the riding other bikes part of my insurance would cover me on the ER5 however it doesn't apply unless the other bike is insured which it isn't. My mate can't insure it either as he doesn't yet have his license. Catch 22.

Anyone got any ideas how I can get the bike over to his house? I tried finding a day insurance company but they all seem to have stopped doing it and my own insurance won't let me add the bike for a day either.
Borrow or hire a trailer/van?

Why does your friend need it at his until he's passed his test anyway? I'd say it was more his responsibility to pick it up than yours to deliver it.

He's happy enough to leave it at mine but I've got a car, a ZX6R, a FZ6N the ER5, a couple of mountain bikes and a couple of road bikes so I kinda would like some space back in my garage!
That depends on the particular policy, it's not always a requirement for the other bike to be insured separately.

eidolon, have you asked you own insurers if they will put it on your policy for temporary cover?

Yep, they don't offer that nor can I ride the bike unless it's insured elsewhere. :(
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