Day of Defeat: Source - Anyone here still play it?

25 Jan 2009
I fired DoD:Source up the other day and was soon back into it. Servers seem to be going strong still with a large player population it seems.

The game has great maps and the MG class is so much fun when you find a good position. Lots of people on the mics too. Graphics still seem good (clearly dated but not bad considering).

Anyone here still play it?
I used to adore it but every time I've reinstalled it's a quick 20 minutes before uninstalling again, just doesn't have the same effect on me it did nearly 10 years ago.
Nothing was ever as satisfying as giving someone a good fisting or spading... As Ayahuasca, I tend to install it, have a quick 20 mins then remove it again. Just doesn't grab me any more.
Still occasionally have a blast on it, always leave it installed, but its not the same without the old team to play with.
Epic bump... wanted to see if anyone would be down for a regular blast on this.

Still plenty of servers, and it's a great laugh to kill an hour or two on the weekends :)

Add me on Steam if you're down!

Still prefer the original - DOD:S had horrid spread and recoil mechanics to try and force balance between different skilled players.
I still have the odd game but have to agree with the above, the original was far better. The same can be said of all Source games actually except TF.
Shame they don't add the theme into CS GO and use that engine, would be back on it in a heartbeat.
As above, as much as I loved DoD now Day of Infamy is out, has active development and a decent player base there just isn't any reason to play this anymore other than for nostalgic reasons.
I actually installed it a few months ago but it just didn't grab me like it used to.
Oooh, Day of Infamy - tell me more?

Realized I bought this but never installed! Defo down for some banter, if there is a regular group on here that plays :)
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