Dayz Breaking Point (Arma 3 mod)

4 Apr 2003
Anyone playing this? How but is the community / servers/ players?

I have been really enjoying Dayz SA and saw a video of this last night and thought it looked awesome and probably worth the purchase of Arma 3

What are the opinions?

Can we try and keep the fanboyism out of the discussion as well. I just thought it looked cool and if it really was worth looking into while still planning on playing SA as well
Bystrica is just ridiculously deathmatch for my liking but I do like the mod very much. I am still playing stand alone as well but it just feels horrible after playing BP for a bit.
Was wandering round with a couple of blokes I met when one was shot and me and one other were shot with tranqulizers. The attacker then proceeded to gut my new friend for meat in front of my eyes and then proceeded to me. Epic!
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I think the class system encourages interactions and teaming up but on the flip side, if you see another class is is very much deathmatch/KOS

I can't say I have been really annoyed by idiots in either (well maybe wall glitchers in SA). In SA it is relatively easy to avoid the worst by the areas you tend to visit. Go into berezino or electro and you'll always find fools
I'd not played this much since the OP nearly 2 years ago. Mainly been playing A2 Epoch/Overpoch and then latterly a3:Exile. Coming back and this has come a long way and as above, Esseker is great on it
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