US: DC Universe Swamp Thing (People behind Titans/Doom Patrol)

Started watching this last night, mainly because of Crystal Reed and the fact that I used to watch the cartoon on Saturday mornings in the early 90s.

I saw the first two episodes and thought it was excellent, though I was worried at how they could keep up the excellent quality, especially with a strong cast.

I turned to reddit to find a discussion thread only to crash into talks about it being cancelled :( I am gutted, for the show and for the DC universe that is repeatedly treated like crap thanks to WB execs.
from what I read online and you tube. what other have said in here is correct that it come down to costing too much money, but also the state that where it filmed at where they were to get xx amount of money for shooting there had some sort of mis-communication or something and didn't or unwilling to paid that amount agree upon, because of this Wb had to foot bill for hell of a lot more than what they were expecting to, so they reduce the number of episodes and cancels it. if everything had gone as originally plan, hence wb wasn't paying for all of it then it most likely wouldn't be cancelled.
Watched the pilot of this last night, certainly has potential. Shame its been canned already but I can see why. Oh well will watch it anyway.
binged the whole thing, while I found Titans decent and Doom patrol was much better, swamp thing was disappointing it could have pushed the horror aspect much instead Reed provided the eye candy but the overall plot what was it anyhow, its like titans you can't set up more without showing the best bits or at least some of it.

It reminded me of the Bruce Banner and betty scenario and storyline too much also.

Maybe we get the full horror and gore swamp thing in titans or doom patrol, like Constantine on LoT
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