dd command to Windows

28 Feb 2006
Is there any way to output dd to Windows? I want to image a Linux device remotely over the lan and output it to a Windows pc.

I have managed to image Linux to Linux but i can get it to work with Windows. I am using SSH to connect to the device.

This is what i have tried. Ive only been testing it will small files to start with.

dd if=/home/beerbaron/Desktop/test.txt | ssh [email protected] dd of=c:\test\test.txt

I get the error message:

Unable to execute command or shell on remote system: Failed to Execute or process.

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At present im using an Ubuntu laptop for testing but the device i need to image is an Amazon Kindle. I have managed to image 2 file systems on the Kindle already from said laptop. This was the Linux - Linux. I now need to image the Kindle from a Windows PC. I have Telnet, VNC, SSH and WinSCP access to it.

I need a way to connect, image the device and transfer the image to the local pc.
You're getting the error because Windows doesn't have a dd command and you are trying to get it to run one in the second portion of your command.

Have you tried installing a Windows version of dd (Google shows many links on a search for "dd for windows")? If you do so you may need to update your command to give the full path to the dd on the Windows box.

I have seen the dd.exe and such like that you can download but im not sure how i would get them to work with SSH. Normally they are command line with is run from the location of the file in the cmd prompt.

Any ideas?

I could use VM and Linux but i was looking for a solution for Windows.

I used FreeSSHd for the server and PuTTY

I thought i better mention i had connection problems due the public/private keys as well
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