DD-WRT Optware

1 Jun 2005
Has anyone here managed to get DD-WRT optware working? I've installed "dd-wrt.v24-16758_NEWD-2_K2.6_mega-nv60k" on my E3000 and it works, I've formatted my USB stick correctly and have been following this guide: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Optware,_the_Right_Way

The problem I'm having is with the following step:
wget -O /tmp/prep_optware http://wd.mirmana.com/prep_optware
sh /tmp/prep_optware

after running the wget command I just get "Connecting to wd.mirmana.com ("
and returns back to shell after doing nothing, and sh /tmp/prep_optware just says sh can't open /tmp/prep_optware

Anyone know whats going wrong?
Well I managed to find another guide with a different way to install the base optware stuff http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Optware#Installing_ipkg-opt_and_uclibc-opt

A lot of the information on dd-wrt and optware seems to be all over the place, with large portions of stuff being out of date but no indication of that untill you run into an error.

If anyone else is thinking of trying to set up optware on their dd-wrt router, just prepare yourself for a lot of trial and error and a lot of google searching.

I do have another question though I'm hoping someone can solve. I've just installed irssi onto my router and would like to transfer my config and such over from my laptop that currently is running it, is there any websites that allow uploading of small files like this and downloading on my router using wget (as I don't have network transfering set up yet).
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