DDR or DDR2....That is the question...

26 Jan 2005
Hi, just a little dilemma Im having that Im hoping someone on here can help me with!

Current PC specs are:

Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe Mobo
Athlon64 3500+ Newcastle (Running at about 2.4ghz)
Crucial 1GB DDR PC3200
XFX 6600GT 128MB PCI-E
Aerocool Turbine 550W PSU

Processor Im happy with for now, same with the PSU. Im definately going to upgrade my GFX card to a 7900GT very soon as this is what appears to be straining the most when playing games (Which I do quite a lot).

My question is regarding upgrading my RAM. I was interested in buying some Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX. However, with DDR-2 RAM available, my question is whether it will be worth paying £150 on some RAM now, or waiting until next year and buying an AM2 mobo/cpu and DDR-2 RAM. (I will hopefully have saved a lot more money by then, and the AM2 socket might actually be worth changing to).

Im just a little concerned about upgrading my RAM now in case 939 becomes obsolete in the near future, rendering DDR RAM obsolete along with it.

Many Thanks
You're probably best holding off on your RAM purchase if you're likely to upgrade in the foreseeable future. And as cyber-mav says, Conroe looks to be the better of the next-gen offerings coming up too.
Jabbs said:
What ram is conroe going to run ddr1/2 ?

DDR2 (For the most part anyway, unless someone brings out a weird motherboard that has both DDR1 and DDR2 slots, or just DDR1, as the memory controller is on the mobo it could be done in theory :))
There are weird motherboards that do ddr1 & conroe but I dont recommend it, the last thing you want to do is hold it back
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