DDR2 667 PC2-5400 vs DDR2 667 PC2-5300

3 Jul 2005
whats the difference as they have exactly same specs?

and would pc5400 work on am2 64 3200+ as it says up to pc5300

EDIT: Also, whats better. pc4200 or pc5300?
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No difference at all basically, its just the way they've converted 667Mhz to a PCXXXX speed, one of them has rounded up.

You need PC5300 minimum if you're going DDR2.
salami1212 said:
why do you need pc5300 minimum?

Because the latencies of DDR2 are rubbish, so if you're not running DDR2 at a decent frequency your performance is going to be poor. PC5300 is a good minimum.
even better is DDR2 667mhz ram that can overclock to ddr2 1000mhz...

Team Group are using the D9 series of chips on their DDR2 range, atm this presents the biggest bang for buck, users over at XS have been getting over 500mhz @ cl4. The modules run 3-3-3-8 @ 667 (stock).


I have the 667mhz kit, unfortunatley my mobo is stuck on a 4:3 divider so I can't post results (DFI975XG).
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