DDR2 memory with X2 3800+

11 Mar 2006
Hi ,
I currently have 2x 512mb corsair pc3200 and was wondering if it is possible to upgrade to DDR2 pc5300 memory ?
My set-up : AMD X2 3800+ @ 2.0Ghz, A8N5X Asus Mobo, 1gb corsair pc3200, Geforce 7800GT, gigabyte g-power fan. (Windows XP Pro)
Thanks :)
nope, not possible:) DDRII wont be available as an option unti AM2 hits the shelves and then you'll need a new cpu for it lol
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i woudltn recommend it personally. The money spent on some high speed ddr is better spent elsewhere. Im still running my 3ghz opteron with pc3200.
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