30 Jan 2004
im a little confused is it a requirement to upgrade to DDR2 if i get a new PCI-E motherboard/cpu etc or can i get away with running my current ddr?
depend on what new mb you get! DDR2 is the new standard supported by AMD's new processor type know as AM2.

if you stick with a mb that takes DDR then you should be able to reuse it

what you thinking of getting?
well just wondering if i HAVE to upgrade to DDR2 when i go PCI-E due to my gfx card dieing, sounds to me like its yet more money :(

especially as im being swayed towards intel CPUs over AMDs atm, damn salesmen mates lol
i dont think Intels new stuff which will take DDR2 is out yet, but i dont really follow intel too much so im not sure. might change shortly though....

just get a mb that takes DDR, with AMD that'd be a board that takes socket939 chips. you dont HAVE to get DDR2 just beacuase its newest, theres still a lot of debate over whether or not its any better at present. as it is, it appears to be a bit cheaper than standard DDR

i bought a Asus board less the 3 weeks ago which is a socket 939 and takes DDR, which also has 2 16x PCI-E slots. im planning on going down the Opteron route which doesnt appear to be available on the new AM2 standard at the moment.
ok so just keep an eye out for boards that retain DDR support? good, cos i dont need to be replacing 2gigs of DDR with DDR2, its bad enough changing over to PCI-E at this moment in time for me
.:MBK:. said:
ok so just keep an eye out for boards that retain DDR support? good, cos i dont need to be replacing 2gigs of DDR with DDR2, its bad enough changing over to PCI-E at this moment in time for me

Thats exactly right, S939 is DDR1 and there are plenty of PCI-E boards :)
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