7 Sep 2006
I'm totally new to custom building so please bare with me. I'm looking at getting a Core 2 Duo and have done a bit of looking around to find the motherboards they work on. I would like to overclock the Core 2 Duo (currently looking at the E6300) and was wondering which memory manufacturers or stick sizes you guys use for the best perfomance.
It depends.

If you are going to be gaming, video encoding or using CAD or other memory-intensive applications then I would go for 2GB of DDR2. If you don't do much of that stuff then just get 1GB. The manufacturer and rating of the memory will really depend on the motherboard you choose as there are a lot of incompatibilities around at the moment, although they are getting less as new BIOS revisions are released.

Read the motherboard forum and choose a board. Then see what memory is compatible and how other overclockers are doing with their memory and take it from there.
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