Ddr4 ecc memory question, 2 sticks at different speeds.

29 Sep 2010

Long story short, I have a 32gb 2133mhz stick of Samsung memory in my esxi homelab server. It's a Xeon 1230l v3 in an asrock x99 board.

I have attempted to add another 32gb Samsung stick, but this one is 2933mhz, voltages etc are the same, but the speed is different (as will timing's be I imagine)

Now from my desktops usually this just means the faster stick will just run at the slower sticks speed, but the pc will NOT post with both sticks installed, I get error 55 which is memory not installed.

I can use either single stick, in every slot, and it'll boot fine. As soon as its trying dual channel it will not boot. So with that I'm ruling out the motherboard.

I've resat the cpu too.

CPU memory controller could be dead?

Or will the sticks just not be compatible together.
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