DDR4 Timings

5 Sep 2011
Hi Ian,

Know you're probably busy but if you've got any timings you wouldn't mind giving to try for 2750 and 3000 would appreciate it! Having a little trouble getting these Dom Plats stable
On a separate note, any ideas what would be causing idle shut down restarts? I very much doubt it's the PSU at fault because it was rock solid on my x79 system. Unless it's to do with Haswell C states C1 which I'd left enabled. Have disabled all C states.
4.2Ghz 1.185v 0.200+ offset
Input @ 1.9v
Stock memory 2800 XMP 1.2v
CPU Cache 1.2v

all IO voltages + 50mv

Pretty basic overclock but I want to figure out what could be causing the reboots (no BSOD).

Apparently it can be a sympton of too low an input voltage but it's a well mild overclock and I would have thought 1.9v would be sufficient.

Proper Haswell Noob
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