DDR5 XMP does not work.

Does all the CPUs support that speed? Is pretty hardcore. I assume only 2 sticks?
I am no expert, but I would have assumed that the XMP profile would function. Yes, two sticks, mobo only has two slots.

Now working, think the posting is broken. I'll stick it through aida tomorrow.
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I had the same issue. Turns out my Asus mb wanted the sticks in 2 & 4 rather than 1 & 3. Ahh seen your mobo is 2 slots. Ignore :p
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Is the exact memory kit (the long model number) on your motheboard's QVL list? If it is, then your CPU IMC is not good enough to run this speed, try 6400Mhz
It is and XMP is working. I would change the title if I could, the problem is black screens through restarts. Nothing to do with the ram, tested in memtest and tried another brand. PC had to switch off and on to get through the windows installation, the same with the updates. The same happens if I make a setting change in bios and requires a reboot. It is the mobo or the CPU is my guess, changing ram speeds does nothing.
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