idealy fit it into the case as if it was going to be running, but try and take the motherboard out, its tight but worth it.
obviosly you dont want to have any power going to any on the components when leak testing, therefore use the hotwise method on your PSU ( paperclip in across the green and a black wire)
IF its an impossibility to leak test in the case with the hardware removed, attach everything to the PC except the power to the mainboard and other bits, just the pump. ( use the hotwrie method again)
in the event of a leak. source the leak, fix it and keep testing, if water spills onto a component teake it out, and let it dry offf, because there was no power going to ift it SHIOULD be okay afetr a day or two of drying.
check all barbs / connections on the parts before you think about putting water in them.
and dont be alarmed if the pump doesnt sent water around ! it just means theres air in the pump, andf it cant budge it.just make surte the res is feeing the puump okay.