Dead cpu?

12 Mar 2004
Ok on a friends computer, the computer powers on and the fans spin, but there isnt any output, I know the gfx card works. I was wondering if a dead cpu could cause there to be no output, or would it say cpu failure or something?
Ive checked everything else its either the cpu or mobo. Unfortunatley the pc mobo wasnt connected to the speaker at the time, typical:rolleyes:
I would test it if the cpu wasnt stuck onto the heatsink in my pc lol. Its going to be a bit before I can get it off.
Ill have to do that later.

Anyway I connected the other pcs mobo the the speaker on my case because his case doesnt have one for some reason. I got 10 short beeps then nothing.
Ive done all that im just stuck on wether its the cpu or mobo. Its an asrock dual sata 2 mobo and the error codes dont seem to be on their website.
I cant believe it actually worked though, after I had taken the 3200 cpu out to test it, I dropped it and it hit the ram bending about 10pins I had to use a tiny pair of scisors to straighten them and then forced the cpu into the ziff socket and crushed the heatsink ontop of it while trying to latch it on, this was after I ripped the heatsink out of the socket and the cpu came out attached to it! These things really take some punishment :p
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