Couple of weeks ago, it appears a crow decided to give up the ghost whilst perched on the guttering around my parents house. It looked like it just sat there and died, no questions asked. My father hasnt got round to disposing of it yet (its in a plastic bag outside somewhere), but given the unusual way in which it popped its clogs and the current climate regarding Avian bird flu, my parents are wondering if they should contact someone to dispose of the dead bird, rather than bury it - just in case. They're the last people to overreact to something like this, theyre not the kind of people would see a dead bird and go into overdrive screaming OMG ITS HERE!!! Plus we've seen plenty of dead birds and the like round here over the years as we live out in the sticks. Its just that it seemed a peculiar place and way for a bird to die. Maybe it just died of old age, but they want to be sure theyre not being irresponsible by ignoring it. Should they contact anyone and if so, who?