Dead Man's Shoes

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
Watched this last night and I loved it.

I'm a huge fan of low budget film-making. It was gritty, disturbing, somewhat realistic and a great film.

Just wondering what you guys thought of it.

Any recommendations of similar flicks?
theres an epic thread about this film somewhere

i love it , one of my favourite films :)

allot of others thought the same in the other thread iirc
Dead Man Shoes is one of my top 10, classic script, acting and story.

What you ****** looking at

I need to watch it again, tbh.

This is England is that out?? how have you seen it?
although I dont doubt this film's brilliance, I'm not a fan. I love films, I'm a massive fan and have always wanted to be a part of the film industry at some point but this film seems to I dunno...stoop I suppose. Yeah its a terribly harrowing and heart wrenching film which is both written and directed well (my flatmate knows Shane Meadows) but it just seems like Meadows and Paddy Considine sat in a room and brainstormed some of the lowest of the low storylines they could come up with then made them worse and wrote the story round that.

Shane: What about someone killin babies
Paddy: Eatin babies
Shane: Eatin their own babies

I think other films invokin the same harrowing feelings you get, Shawshank, Deer Hunter etc. are films about somethin real and actual; bein imprisoned for somethin you didnt do, bein sent to war and what they are put through there etc. Just seems Dead Man's Shoes pinpointed the emotion they wanted to invoke and wrote around it rather than vice versa.

I know I'll probably get beaten for this seein as so far the thread seems on the whole quite positive so I'm sorry for lowering the tone.

The twist at the end was soooo predictable as well :eek: (oh no he didnt)
MT01XP said:
Dead Man's Shoes was a fantastic film. I'm really looking forward to This Is England which is by the same director: Shane Meadows.

Can't wait either. I know meadows was filming it right where i live in notts, near 'crack' towers and Mr B's kebab shop :D
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