Dead or Alive 5 Last Round confirmed for PC

Wow this is great news. Even on consoles it has always been a looker so on pc it should look extra great on pc especially at full settings at 4k. I have wished for a d.o.a on pc for quite a few years now.
I saw on the steam page for Dead or Alive that it was single player only, and was Noooooo,

but then I read this "Online modes for Dead or Alive 5 Last Round will be added in a patch within 3 months of release." mmm..!! 3 months well at least we get online play I guess, even if 3 months later! I hope its worth the wait!!
Game has been out for a few hours and has already been classified as a bad PC port. Levels missing, based on the Arcade/PS3 version not the PS4/Xbox One version. So the visuals are not as good. Real shame :(

The delay was for no reason by the looks of it, wont be buying this for the PC now.
Game has been out for a few hours and has already been classified as a bad PC port. Levels missing, based on the Arcade/PS3 version not the PS4/Xbox One version. So the visuals are not as good. Real shame :(

The delay was for no reason by the looks of it, wont be buying this for the PC now.

I read something similar and they Gimped the graphics to make it look worse that the PS4 versions
Read all the steam reviews most say its a bad console port, all visuals and no substance,.

Its not though. yes there are some minor features missing but this was disclosed months ago, online is coming within 3 months.
People are getting well bent out of shape bc they were too busy complaining on neogaf pre-release about the lack of soft engine and winding each other up - but actually the port is really decent.

It runs at a smooth 60fps on down sampled 4K, the visuals are on par with the ps4 version (no soft engine and ps4 particles add very little noticeable visual elements to the game).
as for no substance - its a doa game. You either like the playstyle or dont. They cant do much about that.
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I feel so sorry for anyone that pre-ordered it. Starting to get why we have all those 'pre-order people must die' users, they might just actually be right.

Real shame though, really would have been good had it been a decent game.

Any idea who the game publisher was? Not ubiconned by any chance?
TB has his port report up for it, not worth buying now unfortunately. Maybe when the multiplayer gets added.
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