Dead Pixel Policies

1 Feb 2006
Hello Guys,

I am thinking of upgrading from 15" to 19" TFT, but when i bought a 19" for my brothers system, i got one dead pixel. Which has lead me to discover that some / many or even most manufacturers seem to not to consider "dead pixels as a fault on the monitor" and wont replace them.

Is it just me that thinks this is a complete Kop Out?

Whats the point of going on about reponse times and contrast ratios, if the product they provide can be sold flawed without and recompense?

It surely cant be correct that whether you have a perfect screen or not, is purely down to luck?

"4 dead pixels or more before we class it as faulty, Sir!"

Anyone else feel the same??? or am i ovr reacting??

BTW can anyone recommend a brand that has a zero dead pixel policy???

It seems to me that no manufacturer shouts about this side of things.

This topic has been beaten to death too many times on the forum, just do a search, read the previous threads and it will save time repeating it all again :)
Its either;

* Luck

* Use the Distance Selling law to return goos and then reorder and hope

* Xerox have a Zero Pixel Policy other manufactors might aswell
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