Dead Pixels

11 Nov 2004
HI,I am soon going to buy a new tft and wondered if dead pixels are still a problem,I know a local outlet will check any tft they sell but will charge £20 for the service. Also any recomendations for under £200 for a general purpose tft. cheers
they are still an issue, but a little less so than in the past. If you get it from the outlet you mentioned then make sure you pay for the service, otherwise chances are you'll get one of their non perfect monitors
i've never seen dead pixels as a problem if they are only 1 or 2 because you really can't see them unless you are looking for them. i'd say stuck pixels are a bugger problem because they are easier to spot, but saying that i've got one and can't see it even when looking some times. i think the issue with dead pixels is people getting annoyed with a product which is imperfect.
All companies have a dead pixel policy, but they vary from one manufacturer to another.

to be honest, i recently bought a Formac Gallery Xtreme-3 1900 P-MVA monitor (review coming soon), and it has 1 dead pixel (permanently black) and i am VERY sensative to these things, (by nature, and by profession) and i was pretty gutted at first. Three days later... i couldnt care less, i have to really look for it to see it, and i never notice it when i'm doing anything other than trying to find the dead pixel.

now if it was always white, or blue or something, that would be a different matter i think.
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